Sunday, July 7, 2013

Basic questions

Core java, jsp servlet, spring, soap.

core java:

1. when do we use interface and when do we use abscrat
abstract class:
Abstract classes allow you to provide default functionality for the subclasses

2. we have write full functionality anywaay, why we have interface at all.
3.  Can we declare a class as final and abstract.
3. If a method has abstract method in an abstract class (5 methods - 3 methods with def, 2 methods are abstracts, there is child class derived fromthis absract class.  Do we need to override

the method 4 and 5?
5. final keyword before a method, what it signifies.
6. difference between arraylist and set.
7. arraylist or vector, which one you will use.
8. traverse through the list.
9. hash map and hash table.
10. which scenario we use linked list.

1. Dependency injection.
2.  Do we create new object whenever we need the instance?
3. EJB
4. Transactional management in spring.
5. What annotation we use for rollback.
6. why we uses hibernate framework.
7. how do you configure hibernate.
8. different type of configuration of hibernate.
9. where do we cofigure the database.
10. what is lazy loading in hibernate.
11. used hibernate along with spring?
12. Life cycle in the project... when you get request. how the request is processed through to the database.

1.  Tyype of webservvices
2. Reason for each of them.
3. why we go for SOAP? and why we go for RESTFUL?
4. different type of annotation that we use in webservice.
5. do you write the xsd manually?
6. how the classess are generated from the xsd.

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